Getting started with reports (IRS)

RamBase QMS User guide

Getting started with reports (IRS)

IRS = INOSA Report System

You find the reports in the upper menu to the right:

To get access to the reports you need to have the permission for reports. 

All reports can be downloaded to Excel

It can take som minutes from a change is done to the report is updated.

Search this documentation

This overview refers to all folders and all departments.

New documents = new documents made in the selected time frame, - does not include new versions of a approved document

Documents read = total number of documents "read and understood" for all the users in the selected time frame

All documents = total number of documents at the time set. The number of documents with the different statuses are shown below. 

  • Green = number of approved documents within revision date
  • Yellow = number of approved documents with revision date about to expire
  • Red = number of approved documents with expired revision date
  • In approval = number of documents sent for approval
  • In verification = number of documents sent for verification
  • Under contruction (total) = number of documents which have the status under construction. Includes both new versions of approved documents and new documents
  • Under construction (new) = number of new documents (version 1) with the status under construction
  • Archived = number of archived documents

All users = the number of all users registred in the system. Archived users are not included.

  • Green users = number of users who has signed for all documents in their roles. Users with role without any approved documents will show as green users.
  • Yellow users = users who has documents to be read within a time limit or have documents waiting for co-signing
  • Red users = users who has document(s) to be read and the time limit is expired.
  • Users with no roles = users without any roles

Click on Week - Month - Year to get the numbers for the spesific time frame:

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