RamBase QMS User guide

May 2021 - INOSA v.3.2.3-3.2.7

May 11, 2021
146 issues


Bugfixes and smaller improvements

All updates for this release


  • MVP-6693  "to be revised" counter in TO DO PANEL --> the counting is not correct
  • MVP-6607  Does not get mail notfication for reading
  • MVP-6590  Upload file- New/ new version - Excel file
  • MVP-6571  CLONE - Not able to change title on approved documents
  • MVP-6567  SUPPORT PORTAL - not able to save model
  • MVP-6566  SUPPORT PORTAL - Don't see the roles anymore in document properties
  • MVP-6554  CLONE - does not match between embedded roles and own roles in todo page
  • MVP-6543  Only documents with a draft can be added to a role from the document library
  • MVP-6523  Lack of scroll on to do panel
  • MVP-6519  Change Author in a document is not working as expected
  • MVP-6515  DocumentCosignDeclinedNotification - email improvement
  • MVP-6513  DocumentCosignConfirmedNotification - email improvement
  • MVP-6510  bug with DocumentIsWaitingForCosignNotification
  • MVP-6509  Reading a document in To-Do results in redirecting to My Documents
  • MVP-6500  Improvement of SubstituteMaintainerNotification
  • MVP-6499  lack of button in e-mail - DocumentSetVerifierNotification
  • MVP-6498  DocumentWasSentBackToAuthorNotification improvement
  • MVP-6485  Reading a document results in redirecting to My Documents
  • MVP-6480  DocumentIsWaitingForApprovalReminderNotification and DocumentIsWaitingForVerificationReminderNotification is sent three times
  • MVP-6479  DocumentHasBeenImportedNotification redirect is not working
  • MVP-6475  UserSentFeedbackNotification improvement
  • MVP-6469  SUPPORT PORTAL - Notifications on feedback and send back to author
  • MVP-6437  To Do Panel - drawer menu should be hidden after leaving to verify/approve document
  • MVP-6434  Change of responsible don't work in 3.2.0
  • MVP-6431  ReportFailed notification does not work
  • MVP-6400  Processing document results in redirecting to "My Documents" section
  • MVP-6399  DocumentIsWaitingForCosignReminderNotification does not work
  • MVP-6379  Possible to change author of the document
  • MVP-6370  lack of redirect -> SubstituteMaintainerNotification
  • MVP-6351  Text overlaps the header in A4 templates in print view
  • MVP-6335  Cannot move image inside frame when zooming
  • MVP-6334  imported document doesn't show textbox headers
  • MVP-6328  Cannot replace uploaded file with another file
  • MVP-6325  Cannot scroll to see whole folder structure when linking to a document
  • MVP-6293  Not able to see departments anymore when adding users to role
  • MVP-6291  wrong redirect - VideoHasBeenConvertedNotification
  • MVP-6288  wrong redirect - DocumentHasBeenImportedNotification
  • MVP-6279  Wrong text in notification mail for document to approval
  • MVP-6278  Link in mail for document to apporval goes to wrong version of document
  • MVP-6277  Notification "Document(s) are waiting to be reviewed" - TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
  • MVP-6275  After library refreshing after a document archive, all documents in the site is showing in the folder
  • MVP-6267  bug with redirect - FolderHasBeenImportedNotification
  • MVP-6254  notification FolderWithItemsPermissionGroupsUpdatedNotification does not work
  • MVP-6250  error during redirect (navbar notification)
  • MVP-6248  - approved message document is editable
  • MVP-6201  Align top and align button shows in the model menu even though just one object is selected
  • MVP-6188  Strange document title for downloaded documents
  • MVP-6181  Admin- Logs information is wrong when adding a role
  • MVP-6174  lack of two reminder notifications
  • MVP-6168  SUPPORT PORTAL - Printout with overlapping text
  • MVP-6163  change manage action reminder notifications
  • MVP-6140  Advanced Search - Modell is not working correctly when you search by Creators
  • MVP-6134  Lack of DocumentRedValidityExpiredNotification
  • MVP-6132  SUPPORT PORTAL - E-mail: Document has new approver
  • MVP-6128  CLONE - Not able change roles for individuals
  • MVP-6123  bug with DocumentYellowValidityExpiredNotification
  • MVP-6117  Folder display all documents (infinity scroll)
  • MVP-6102  Cannot remove safety symbol row when used in a textbox without header
  • MVP-6083  SUPPORT PORTAL - adding or removing documents from roles via the library
  • MVP-6075  CLONE - Kvitteringsknapp fungerer ikke -The Read all information button is not working
  • MVP-6074  Notification Bell is not working as expected
  • MVP-6068  Author/Verifier/Approver responsible should get document to documet to "My Documents" and "To Do" sections after being set as responsibles
  • MVP-6067  Picture not uploading
  • MVP-6027  bug for substitute maintainer notification
  • MVP-6022  Different font size in normal text and bullet text
  • MVP-6017  bug with folders importing
  • MVP-5983  CLONE - No email is sent when creating a user - registrering av nye bruker fÃ¥r ikke mail
  • MVP-5963  SUPPORT PORTAL - Default textlink color is not matching textlinks from v2.
  • MVP-5962  Mail notification about FEEDBACK is going to the "old" responsible
  • MVP-5959  Importing folders using drag&drop option does not work - ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'children' of undefined
  • MVP-5952  Not able to translate in Localize sentence after taking a quiz
  • MVP-5948  CLONE - After closing folder in reports, it still opens again after selecting other folder
  • MVP-5945  bal can't open root folder
  • MVP-5934  Mismatch in text in mailnotification
  • MVP-5929  CLONE - Looks like folders are missing
  • MVP-5920  Duplicated "Document has new author" notifications
  • MVP-5905  CLONE - No overview library on specific user-
  • MVP-5899  "Read All" on the bell does not work
  • MVP-5879  CLONE - Browser Safari -Wrong behaviour when adding text - Feil ved endring av tekst i tabell
  • MVP-5865  Conditional co-signing don't work
  • MVP-5781  CLONE - The user can not be archived-Bruker arkiveres ikke
  • MVP-5779  Bug during archiving user
  • MVP-5770  SUPPORT PORTAL - Changing template from firstpage to OPL is faulty
  • MVP-5760  SUPPORT PORTAL - Triplicate email alerting that "The revision date for the document is exceeded"
  • MVP-5749  CLONE - Print template Training log is messy on some documents - Training log er rotete
  • MVP-5733  SUPPORT PORTAL - Cant open folders showing api error
  • MVP-5696  CLONE - Go back to competence from message type document
  • MVP-5688  CLONE - Link to other doc's not working in Doc #51
  • MVP-5687  CLONE - Document tree show 3 timer for user
  • MVP-5649  CLONE - Undo - redo also for text in tables [VALID]
  • MVP-5645  SUPPORT PORTAL - Unable to export large folders (folders with a lot of documents)
  • MVP-5615  CLONE - When removing a user from a Role, all roles are removed from ToDO and My roles.
  • MVP-5575  CLONE - No "symbol" for guest user
  • MVP-5442  Comment from rejection of co-signing document does not appear any place
  • MVP-5263  SUPPORT PORTAL - Gets email about approval of documents after the documents are approved
  • MVP-5189  SUPPORT PORTAL - Notifications on feedback is opening the document properties
  • MVP-5185  SUPPORT PORTAL - Authors can not see if there is a draft for approval of a document, causing reports of faults in the system
  • MVP-5184  Notification for revision for an uploaded file doesn't have an option to create new version
  • MVP-5162  SUPPORT PORTAL - Conditional co-cosigning is not working. Reported on Husnes but can be lager in scope
  • MVP-5098  SUPPORT PORTAL - Missing info about need for co-signing
  • MVP-5005  SUPPORT PORTAL - Send document back to author API error from the "notification" buttom
  • MVP-4976  SUPPORT PORTAL - 'Documents to read' field on To Do Panel comes and goes
  • MVP-4845  SUPPORT PORTAL - "Competence" is spinning
  • MVP-4828  Fix template groups performance
  • MVP-4811  SUPPORT PORTAL - "Mine Dokumenter" does not show the correct number of documents
  • MVP-4806  SUPPORT PORTAL - Not able to co-sign document
  • MVP-4729  SUPPORT PORTAL - Receive email about need for approving INOSA document, even though the approver has been changed.
  • MVP-4633  SUPPORT PORTAL - E-mail reminders for verifiers, even document has been verified [related to MVP-4598]
  • MVP-4598  SUPPORT PORTAL - E-mail reminders for approval, even document has been approved [related to MVP-4633]
  • MVP-4204  Deviation and action Permission should be hidden for customers that don't have these modules.
  • MVP-4153  Same document info for archived documents as for active
  • MVP-4075  Images with certain resolution cannot be uploaded
  • MVP-3044  No template thumbnails in document navigation
  • MVP-3042  When using the link in notification bell, wrong version comes up
  • IRS-1271  Department Global filter is not working properly
  • IRS-1260  SUPPORT PORTAL - User not found
  • IRS-1214  Role search in reports does not work properly
  • IRS-1204  lack of filters translations in excel
  • IRS-1163  Excel reports come with english text even though norwegian is selected.
  • IRS-1157  Search for migrated doc by name - not working in reports
  • IRS-1152  Reading status per role report - filter does not work
  • IRS-1135  User with permission to make reports cannot use filter
  • IRS-934  Document status per user (Excel) - column "Not ok" should be wider


  • MVP-6692  turn off the notification "Doc is Waiting for Cosign"
  • MVP-6540  DocumentVerifiedNotifcation and DocumentApprovedNotification improvements
  • MVP-6332  Add links to documents in DocumentStatusNotification mail notification
  • MVP-6065  3 different scroll bars when you includes all folders
  • MVP-6645  Create command to fix existing file names [TECHNICAL]
  • MVP-6644  Add validation and manual file extension getter
  • MVP-6593  [API] Allow to update title when user is sysadmin
  • MVP-6573  Add isSysAdminFlag for current user profile
  • MVP-6507  [NG] Removing inactive notifications from the list (navbar notification)
  • MVP-6372  [API] SubstituteMaintainerNotification e-mail redirect
  • MVP-6371  [NG] SubstituteMaintainerNotification navbar redirect
  • MVP-6226  [NG] Handle endpoint to read metrics
  • MVP-6211  [API] Add endpoint to read metrics
  • MVP-6206  [API] Add Metrics
  • MVP-6204  [API] Fix Query
  • MVP-6150  front handle notification
  • MVP-6011  [API] Change thumbnail url
  • MVP-5999  [API] change load all thumbnails endpoint response
  • MVP-5975  [NG] handle type DocumentStatusNotification
  • MVP-5896  [NG] FE implementation
  • MVP-5895  [API] BE implementation
  • MVP-5870  [Api] Endpoint for all available page thumbnails
  • MVP-5869  [Angular] Load all available templates thumbnails
  • MVP-5556  backend implementation
  • MVP-6182  Make own error notification for adding users
  • MVP-5882  CLONE - Print out of expired docs should have the red x as for the document view - Utskrift av dokument som lenger ikke er godkjent angir ikke dette
  • MVP-5461  Add missing document template thumbnails
  • MVP-5265  When you get a responsibility by mass change or by substitute, this should show in ToDo panel and My documents and the new responsibles shall get mail notification
  • MVP-5181  SUPPORT PORTAL - Separate Competence, Documents and D&A report permissions.
  • MVP-4808  SUPPORT PORTAL - Open links in new tab / window
  • MVP-4621  SUPPORT PORTAL - Intelligent notification system alarm bell
  • MVP-4522  Add "Co-signed by column" to the "Read by me" list

RamBase QMS 2024