RamBase QMS User guide

Inosa version 3.14


INOSA Release Notes

Version 3.14.0 of INOSA is on its way to you. Below is a list of the most important issues that are part of this version.


Project - INOSA Operations

Version - 3.14.0

Planned Release Date from 19.12 2022 => 3 weeks








Show the complete department string on users profile



Elasticsearch index content of binary documents EXCEL/WORD

Makes it possible to search on content in uploaded Office documents -PDFs will follow



Make ' Potential consequence ' as default in report

Potential consequence is now showing as default in report 1. Detailed deviation list



Show more items per page (Users) in Admin tools

In Company/Users view, default number of lines is now 25 (before 10)



Saving the global and local filters for report main pages (IRS Main page, Document, and Competence) v.2: save filters

In 3.13 we introduced filtering on the main report pages. In 3.14, it is now possible to save these main report page filters



IRS: Global filter for deviations and actions

Same as 11099 over, but for Deviation and Action reports main page



Guest user shall not be able to delete own comments/feedback

Guest user can add a comment to a document. In 3.14, this comment cannot be removed by guest user



Export to PDF - the text formats in the description field should stay when printing



Possibility to have templates open in edit mode by default

When making a new document, left side template panel is now expanded by default



Table- Delete, remove row

When deleting a row in a table, you will now get a blue indication on which row will be deleted



Open links in new tab / window

You can now right-click on a link and use the Open link in new tab/window function



Document description shall show as tooltip when mouse over

Document description will show as tooltip when you hoover mouse over the document



Remove folder filter for some competence reports

Folder global filter in most competence reports makes no sense, and are removed



Author does not change if new author edit the document

Author name will now change automatically to the last one editing the document/version



Feedback on Quiz/Message/URL document

You can now give feedback directly in a Quiz/Message/URL document instead of going through document settings



Block moving folders to root folder level

If trying to move an existing folder to the same level as the root folder (All), the user will now get a warning and the operation is not possible



Menu in pictures is over the picture

Adjustment of the picture menu so that objects in outer parts of the picture are not hidden











Settings in quizzes is reset

Settings made in Quiz will now not be reset, but kept when new version is made



Normal user - Not able to search after document if doc have draft

Fixed search problem with documents wits draft



Images in deviations does not show in the print outs

Fixed print out of deviations



Text symbols - Scrollbar appears

Fixed size problem causing scrolling on symbols



Text symbols have changed alignment with textboxes

Adjusted alignment of text box symbols



Objects is not in correct place - read mode

Fixed problem with objects in picture that moves in read mode



Not able to edit arrow in model when using swim lanes

Fixed model connection problem



When zooming into pictures, picture is compressed and not readable

Improved quality on zoomed in pictures



Notification not working when Action is made from Deviation

Fixed notification on actions when actions are made inside a deviation



Co sign comment' visible in the other ‘roles’ as well.

Fixed co-sign comment so it is showing on correct role



Picture object - changed position in pop-up / enlarged

Fixed problem with moving objects in pop-up pictures



Not able to import documents

Fixed problem on some sites where importing INOSA documents was not possible



Site name in admin not the same as site-name in report

Site name in reports are now fixed and are taken from the Admin tool



User can search under construction when does not have permission

User will not get up drafts if she/he don’t have the correct permissions



Search results are not bolded on a search list view in d&a

Search resulted are now bolded in search list in deviation and action as it is for documents



Severe problems to edit migrated flowcharts with swimlanes

Improvement of models are an ongoing task. Main problems regarding connection in migrated models with swim lanes are now fixed



In addition, many minor bugs are fixed and performance optimized.


Team INOSA Operations

RamBase QMS 2024