RamBase QMS User guide

Oct 2020 - v0.35.4 - 0.36.0-1-2

okt 06, 2020
24 issues

Important highlights from this release

Sorting in documents folders: 

It is possible to sort the order in the document folder by clicking the arrow:

All updates for this release

  • MVP-4831 Update avatarUrl and avatarThumbnail props in user entity when uploading new avatar or deleting existing one.
  • MVP-4886  Cannot add requirement to role
  • MVP-4854  Delete one or more documents-No pop up notice/questions are you sure?
  • MVP-4853  Uncatch exception when document is not found when searching for documents using numeric id
  • MVP-4852  RecalculateDocumentStatusCacheCommand executed by cron
  • MVP-4848  Moving User between departments- does not work
  • MVP-4847  500 Server Error while drag & drop user to another department
  • MVP-4815  Quick search on models - 404 not found
  • MVP-4798  Block "make new password" - make new welcome text
  • MVP-4779  SUPPORT PORTAL - Competence requirement linked to role disappear
  • MVP-4761 SUPPORT PORTAL - Can't Archive users with documents
  • MVP-4751  Symbols in action menu is missing
  • MVP-4748  No print option for document
  • MVP-4717  Document for approal shows as approved in docuemnt properties
  • MVP-4708  Read and understood don't work
  • MVP-4702  Adding co-signer to a document results in blank "Requirement" column
  • MVP-4678  Cannot detect Content type with the local storage
  • MVP-4676  Changes in a dcoument in a requirement don't affect documents in same requirement when this is in another role
  • MVP-4665  Cannot change avatar
  • MVP-4605  Show more appears when deleting folders
  • MVP-4244  SUPPORT PORTAL - Zoom function at picture in picture not available anymore
  • IRS-1082  Rename Global Time filters
  • IRS-1051  Duplicated users in User Report
  • IRS-1033  User reading report - wrong status: instead of "waiting for cosigning" is "read"
  • IRS-1019  User reading status does not work when you use the role filter
  • IRS-964  Documents per role: add doc. ID in front of document title
  • IRS-1118  Remove Department filter from some Documents per role, documents not in role and Documents with reading frequency

RamBase QMS 2024