RamBase QMS User guide

Inosa version 3.16.2

INOSA Release Notes


A new version 3.16.2 of INOSA is on its way out. Below is the list of issues that is part of this upgrade.

Summary -

Project - INOSA Operations
Version - 3.16.2
Planned Release Date - 11/Jul/23

Version 3.16.2 is mainly the development of the WOC feature that will be inroduced over the summer.

In addition to WOC and bug fixes, one bigger new feature; Changes in permission group settings for a folder can now be added to underlying folders and content without the need of total inherit the settings from the mother-folder.


NSO-11883Permission group to all or only part of the map structure
NSO-12854Add user for report to main communication

Symbol link management in document contents

NSO-11984Create endpoint: DETAILED DOCUMENT LIST


NSO-12858Add description to pop up - ✓Update folder permissions and select operation scope
NSO-12835The "Show more..." button is in the wrong place - new linking menu for smaller screens
NSO-12834Link to picture: Pic object change position
NSO-12815Linking documents in message doesn't work
NSO-12779The "Add link" checkbox shouldn't be checked by default for symbols without a default/fixed link
NSO-12770Wrong dialog after removing WOC
NSO-12760Table details is not showing as expected -
NSO-12744Import document from - POP UP pictures/ videos is just loading
NSO-12734When adding symbol with a default link to the picture, it sometimes do not appear
NSO-12728Wrong "To Co-sign" indicator in ToDo Panel for specific users
NSO-12702Cost categories should be hidden in sites without D&A
NSO-12697"Risk" should be a normal textbox header
NSO-12641Scrollbar should not appear when PRINTING
NSO-12535Change document type - Title is not saved
NSO-12531Risk Score from Mobile - Just loading
NSO-11175Safari - Some documents lack heading / document management / images


Team INOSA Operations

RamBase QMS 2024